Business Insurance

Your business needs protection from many angles, from property to general liability, to ensure that you won't be surprised by emergencies or exceptional circumstances. We have broad experience with many industries, including but not limited to aviation, health, financial, mining and energy, and main street business as we help businesses understand and cover their exposures.

Commercial Property Insurance

Whether you need to insure a drilling rig in Alaska or two computers and a filing cabinet in a home office in Utah, we can tailor a policy to meet your needs. Hidden Valley Insurance is known for coming up with creative solutions to cover complicated property risks for our customers. We will explain the value of additional coverage necessary for accounts receivable, valuable papers and business interruption. We understand ordinance and law features and time element coverage. Hidden Valley Insurance is also able to round out coverage for your buildings and equipment by offering coverage for perils such as earthquake, landslide and flood, and we will explain the valuation conditions of your coverage. We will help make sure you are made whole in the event of a loss without being insurance poor.

General Liability Insurance

Is your policy written on a claims-made or occurrence form? Do you understand the difference? Do you have products and completed operations coverage? Are you currently written on a designated premise form? Are you at risk for global claims? Is your policy auditable or are you paying a flat rate? You should be able to definitively answer each of these questions if you currently carry a commercial general liability policy. At Hidden Valley Insurance, we pride ourselves in making sure our clients know how and where their policy will respond. We help to provide a basic education to our clients about what the verbiage in the "insurance requirements" section of their contract really means to them long term. We review our client's contracts to be sure that they are not assuming liability without carrier support. We help them understand how to negotiate contract requirements to be more favorable for themselves and their insurance company. It is our goal to help each of our clients to understand the claim reporting provisions of their policy. We aim to assist our clients with building long-term relationships with their insurance providers.

Professional Liability Insurance

To gain coverage for claims arising from the liability associated with the professional services of your company, you may consider Professional Liability Insurance. Doctors, physical therapists and chiropractors refer to this as Medical Malpractice Insurance while title companies are familiar with this coverage as Errors and Omissions and drilling contractors refer to this coverage as Professional Liability. This is the area of conducting a business where most companies are most vulnerable to an insurance claim. As an independent agency, Hidden Valley Insurance is able to provide competitive quotes and coverage options for several different carriers. We have strong relationships with many financially sound, reputable insurance carriers. We understand the nuances of the policy forms provided by the carriers we represent. We read the fine print to be sure that you are protected where you need it most. We are able to negotiate premiums and coverage by motivating the carriers to compete with one another for your business.


Getting started with Hidden Valley Insurance is easy.  We will walk you through the process to obtain the right coverage for your needs.

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Cyber Liability Insurance

In the event of a data breach your company is at risk of losing one of its most valuable assets — data. You cannot put a solid number on the value of data with its intangible qualities that often are not specifically covered under most business insurance policies. Loss of data can negatively impact the bottom line in so many ways. First, there is the cost of reconstructing lost electronic records, or recovering information. Then you must consider the cost of business interruption in the event that your server or systems are corrupted. What about notification costs? If you collect or store personal information you are subject to state and federal laws requiring that you notify our customers in the event of a breach. In addition to these costs how will you handle crisis management? Is your business staffed to handle a flood of incoming calls from outraged customers who've just been notified that their private information may be in the hands of an identity thief? What will you do to rebuild your reputation? How much will the extra advertising fees and lost revenue impact you?

There are insurance products available to protect you in the event that you are the victim of a data breach. Cyber security liability policies are unique in the way that they respond to a variety of events including but not limited to, human error, cyber extortion threat, unauthorized access, theft of digital assets and malicious code. The products available in today's market are not consistent. It is important to have an agent that understands the nuances of the coverage forms to be sure all of your liability and property exposures are covered. As an independent agency, Hidden Valley Insurance is able to compare not only premiums from multiple carriers but also coverage features to be sure that your policy is tailored to fit your individual needs.

Directors & Officers Insurance

Individuals serving on a board of directors or acting as president of a corporation are at risk for liability arising out of their decisions and actions while fulfilling the duties of that position. Personal liability policies often do no extend to workplace exposures. A solid directors and officers insurance policy is often the only recourse to protect key staff members against liability exposures created by their ability to make decisions that impact many. It is our practice to seek Directors and Officers coverage with defense cost coverage in addition to the limit of liability. We work to have the benefits of non-rescindable side A coverage to protect innocent officers in the event that one member is guilty of unethical or illegal acts. We often combine this coverage with employment practices liability to provide a premium discount for our clients. We are able to also combine with fiduciary liability coverage and even crime coverage where appropriate. We take the time to understand the full extent of your exposure in an effort to maximize coverage where you are most vulnerable to a claim.


Are you aware that your pollution policy may only cover you at a designated premise? Some policies do just the opposite and only cover your company for pollution liability when the hazardous materials are in transit. You may also only be insured if a suit is brought in the United States. How will your policy respond if you are drilling in Mexico or Canada? Do you have coverage when you are acting as a subcontractor at an established mine? At Hidden Valley Insurance, we understand that as a business owner you have more on your plate than reading through a cumbersome policy form. We take the time to gather the details about your day-to-day operations to get a full picture about when and where disaster may strike. We strive to obtain the best product to fit your business and your budget. We bring notable exclusions to your attention and make an effort to help you understand what you are buying when you purchase pollution liability coverage through our agency.